funModeling is focused on exploratory data analysis, data preparation and the evaluation of models. Check the latest functions and website here :)
A summary of common problems that my colleagues and I had when migrating R / packages to newer version.
Tutorial to fastai ULMFiT model for classification texts (and some of the theory behind it) 🤖📚
Auth0 Data Team shares their tooling, from R to Python, their favourite open-souce libraries for data science and data engineering 🛠
Given certain data, and we need to create models (xgboost, random forest, regression, etc). Each one of them has its constraints regarding data types. Errors are not clear, here's a new function to speed up model creation.
Before predictive model creation, we need to check/change numerical, categorical, NAs, one unique value and high cardinality variables. This new function will assist us in this task.
Quick introduction to `recipes` package, from the `tidymodels` family, based on one hot encoding. Useful to automatize some data preparation tasks.
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Analizando Salarios de la EPH con R
Análisis de datos de la EPH en R
Lanzamiento! Libro Vivo de Ciencia de Datos 📗 (open-source)
Finalmente disponible la versión en español del _Data Science Live Book_! El libro se abre sin barreras idiomáticas ante las personas de habla-hispana con ganas de aprender 👨🎓👩🎓. Esta publicación es una edición revisada tanto en gramática como en aspectos técnicos de la versión en inglés.
好用的梯子 知乎
Opening the black-box in complex models: SHAP values. What are they and how to draw conclusions from them? With R code example!
New discretization method: Recursive information gain ratio maximization
This method can discretize a variable taking into consideration the target variable, similar to what decision tree do but with gain ratio.
Feature Selection using Genetic Algorithms in R
折叠梯好用吗?:2021-6-12 · 选择折叠梯要考虑的2个因素 竹节伸缩梯的基本特点及注意事项 使用人字梯进行高空作业需要注意哪些事项?铝合金伸缩梯哪家好?怎么选购 在选购铝合金梯子时需要进行哪些检查工作呢?如何选择好用的家用折叠梯?在使用可折叠梯子时要注意哪些事项?
Integrating R and Telegram
Get notify when an R script finishes on Telegram.
How to apply a function to a matrix/tibble
Scenario: we got a table of id-value, and a matrix/tibble that contains the id, and we need the labels. It may be useful when predicting the Key (or Ids) of in a
This tutorial will introduce the Deep Learning classification task with Keras. With focus on one-hot encoding, layer shapes, train & model evaluation.
Sample size and class balance on model performance
Analyzing the relationship between the sample size and how it impacts on the accuracy in a classification model
How to self publish a book: customizing Bookdown
tl;dr: This post is related to How to self-publish a book: A handy list of resources. It's centered around Bookdown and some non-standard customizations I found useful to create the Data Science
How to self-publish a book: A handy list of resources
12块钱的国产天梯为何如此好用?_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯 ...:2021-11-17 · 学生党花切牌推荐,7元一副的二等单车好用 吗?【咕咕星纸牌测评】 玩花切的咕咕星 5.9万播放 · 295弹幕 08:01 花100多买了副高科技扑克,纸牌上的图案居然会动!【咕咕星纸牌测评 ...
Exploratory Data Analysis in R (introduction)
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) the very first step in a data project. We will create a code-template to achieve this with one function.
Tutorial instalación R y RStudio
Este tutorial tiene como propósito hacer el set-up inicial para empezar a desarrollar modelos machine learning en increíble lenguaje R.
专升本有用吗 好考吗_学梯网:2021-6-12 · 专升本是很多人提升学历的方式,那么报考专升本文凭具体有哪些用处呢?考试难度怎么样呢?专升本文凭有用吗专升本考试还是较有难度的,获得专升本学历之后可伡参加各种资格证书的考试、司法考试、公务员考试、评审职称、在职研究生的考试,都是提升自己自身价值的敲门砖。
Well, what you hate is the way that math was taught to you. That soup of equations, abstractions, and solutions to problems that we don’t know, It's hard to enjoy the things
Data Science Live Book available at Amazon!
Hi there! tl;dr: The Data Science Live Book is now available at Amazon! Kindle & Paperback versions! 🚀 👉 See at Amazon 📗! Link to the black & white version, also available on full-color. It